Life Update from Vaughn Photography

July 28, 2024

Filed in: Personal

You may have noticed I’ve been a bit MIA over the past year and I am still extremely behind on my wedding blogs so quick life update before we get back into the wedding blogs. As I’m writing this, my almost 3 year old (!!) is “helping” me type… so please forgive me if there are any random letters or typos I fail to remedy. If you don’t know me personally, you probably don’t know that we added another little one to our family almost months ago now – and that pregnancy left me feeling less than great and pretty tired for the majority of the time. I’d like to think mainly due to the fact that I was working a full time job, caring for a toddler, and doing photography on the side all at once.

So after one particularly exhausting weekend shooting 3 weddings in 3 days in my first trimester, I decided I was going to take a bit of a hiatus after my last scheduled wedding at 7 months pregnant. But obviously, lots has changed since then. We have since welcomed a baby girl into the family and I quit my full time job! Now, after having some time to recover and have a baby sleeping (mostly) through the night, I’m ready to start taking weddings again and am opening up bookings for late 2024 and 2025!

I should preface this with the fact that I will be mainly shooting weddings in Colorado with limited out of state travel (unless you’re getting married somewhere tropical… I might be able to make that work…). I’ll also be taking on a limited number of bookings since I also have 2 kiddos at home now and family is my first priority!

In the meantime, please enjoy a few photos of our growing family and I look forward to getting back into weddings and finally having some time to catch up on blogging weddings from the last 3, yes 3, years.

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